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The Butterfly

                       The Butterfly are insects. The painted lady Butterfly lifespan is 12 months. The Butterfly scientific name is Rhopalocera. The Butterfly higher classification is Lepidoptera. The Butterfly wingspan of Painted lady is 4 – 7.3 cm, Cabbage white is 3.2 – 4.7 cm and Old world swallowtail is 6.5 – 8.6 cm. The Butterfly have four life stage: - the egg, the larva, the pupa and adult butterfly. During the day, when the butterfly flies from one flower to another and drinks honey, its color is visible on the outside. The butterfly's body has three main parts: the head, the chest, and the abdomen. The butterfly has a pair of connected eyes on its head and a long, fragrant tongue with a cave called proboscis, which looks like a clock spring on its face, which absorbs the juice of the flower. The butterfly is a solitary creature, meaning that the male and female are separate.

                       Butterfly lays its eggs on the underside of the leaves. A few days later, a small insect emerges from the egg, called the larva of the caterpillar. He usually grows by eating the leaves of the tree and is surrounded by hard bark; It's called Pupa. After a while, the pupa is broken and a beautiful small butterfly emerges from it. In addition to seeing, sniffing, tasting, and flying, it has an amazing ability to identify places. As he grows older, he usually returns to the body of the leaf or tree, where he spends his start-up time. The butterfly life span is very short. He drinks the juice of flowers. Monarch is the fastest flying butterfly in the world. That guarantees a distance of 17 miles per hour. There are more than 1,300 species of butterflies in Costa Rica. The world's largest butterfly is the "Giant Birding", which is found mainly in the Solomon Islands. This butterfly has a wingspan of more than 12 inches.

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Order - Lepidoptera
Suborder - Rhopalocera
Class - Insecta

The Butterfly

Type of Indian Butterfly’s:-

1. Andaman club tail
2. Andaman Helen
3. Andaman Mormon
4. Andaman swordtail
5. Bhutan glory
6. Black windmill
7. Black-edged Apollo
8. Blue Mormon
9. Blue peacock
10. Blue striped mime
11. Brown gorgon
12. Chain swordtail
13. Chinese windmill
14. Chinese yellow swallowtail
15. Common banded peacock
16. Common batwing
17. Common birdwing
18. Common blue Apollo
19. Common bluebottle
20. Common club tail
21. Common jay
22. Common mime
23. Common Mormon Red Helen
24. Common peacock
25. Common raven
26. Common red Apollo
27. Common rose
28. Common windmill
29. Crimson rose
30. De Niceville’s windmill
31. Dusky Apollo
32. Five bar swordtail
33. Four bar swordtail
34. Glassy bluebottle
35. Golden birdwing
36. Great blue mime
37. Great jay
38. Great Mormon
39. Great windmill
40. Great zebra
41. Greater banded Apollo
42. Green dragon tail
43. Himalayan banded Apollo
44. Kaiser-e-Hind
45. Karakoram banded Apollo
46. Keeled Apollo
47. Krishna peacock
48. Large keeled Apollo
49. Lesser banded Apollo
50. Lesser batwing
51. Lesser mime
52. Lesser zebra
53. Lime butterfly
54. Ludlow's Bhutan glory
55. Malabar banded peacock
56. Malabar banded swallowtail
57. Malabar raven
58. Malabar rose
59. Neville's windmill
60. Noble Apollo
61. Papilio Machaon
62. Paris peacock
63. Redbreast
64. Regal Apollo
65. Rose windmill
66. Royal Apollo
67. Scarce banded Apollo
68. Scarce jay
69. Scarce red Apollo
70. Six bar swordtail
71. Southern birdwing
72. Spangle
73. Spectacle swordtail
74. Spot swordtail
75. Spotted jay
76. Spotted zebra
77. Stately Apollo
78. Tailed jay
79. Tailed redbreast
80. Tawny mime
81. Varnished Apollo
82. Veined jay
83. White dragon tail
84. Yellow gorgon
85. Yellow Helen
86. Yellow-crested spangle


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