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National Bird Of India - Peacock || Peafowl || United Cre

Written about "Peacock / Peafowl" for other uses. So read carefully.

        The bird is native to Asia. The peacocks Scientific name is Phasianidae. The Lifespan of Peacock is 23 years in captivity and 15 years in wild. The Indian Peacock lifespan is 10 – 25 years. The Mass of Indian peacock is 4 – 6 kg and Green peacock is 3.8 – 5 kg. The length of Indian peacock is 100 – 120 cm, Green peacock is 1.8 – 3 m and Congo peacock is 64 – 70 cm. The clutch size of Indian peacock is 4 – 8 and green peacock is 3 – 6. The peacock is live in Asia, Africa and Australia. The Peacocks are live in deserts, dry savannas, forests and dense foliage areas.

        The peacock are three types such as, the Indian peacock, the African Congo peacock and the Green peacock. The peacock have long tail. The peacock incubation period is 28 to 30 days. The Peacocks have length 100 - 225 cm and weight 4 – 6 kg. The females peacock is 95 cm in length and weigh 2.75 – 4 kg. The Peacocks have tail 2 m in length. The blue and green male peacocks has a 90 – 130 cm body and 150 cm of tail and color metallic green. The Congo peacock is the large peacock in Africa.

        Male peafowl is called peacock, female peafowl is called peahens, and peafowl of both sexes is called "peacocks". The two species of Asia are the blue and Indian peafowl of the Indian subcontinent. The species of Southeast Asia is green peafowl. The African species is Congo peafowl, living only in the Kango basin.

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Aves
Order - Galliformes
Family - Phasianidae
Subfamily - Pavoninae
Tribe - Pavonini


peacock feather

        There are blue and green colour marks in the middle of indian peacock feathers but green peacock body has green and bronze coloured marks. In both species, women are a little smaller than men in terms of weight and feathers. Men have long tail, so male peacocks look long and big. All peafowl have a comb over their heads. Indian peafowl comb is a combination of grey brown and green.

        Green peafowl has black wings with gold and blue colours. Like Indian peafowl, green peafowl are similar to men, but have longer necks, and fewer iridescence overall. Congo peacock men do not show their covert feathers. These feathers are much smaller than Indian and green species. Female peacocks of Indian and African species are dull grey and brown colour. Mature male peahens have suddenly growing their plumage. Researchers have suggested that changes in mature birds are due to a lack of estrogen from old or damaged ovaries.

Color and style variations

        The hybrid between Indian peafowl and Green peafowl is called Spaldings. They have been successfully hybridised by Mrs. Keith Spalding. Indian blue peacocks are of different types of colours and patterns. New peacock birds are usually born of different colours. The feathers of the new peacock bird do not match the feathers of the adult peacock bird.

        Sometimes peacock birds are seen with white feathers. albino peacock bird is very rare. They have a genetic condition called leucism. There will be a complete lack of actual albino peafowl melanin, so that irises look red or pink. leucistic peachicks yellow is born and turns completely white as it matures. Male peacocks are healthier and stronger.


        Peacock birds are wild birds that nest on the ground, but live in trees. They collect food on land. Peacock birds are omnivorous and eat most plants, flower petals, seeds, insects and other arthropods, reptiles and amphebians. Wild peacock birds find their food in leaf litter in the morning and evening. They go back to the shade and security areas of the forest during the sunny hours of the day. They actively hunt insects like ants, crickets and termites. Millipads and other arthropods and small mammals also hunt. Indian peacock birds eat small snakes.

        Domesticated peacocks can eat bird bread and grains such as corn, paddy, wheat, cooked rice. Peacock birds eat protein-rich foods that are grain, a variety of meats and fruits, and also vegetables with dark leafy greens, carrots, beans, beats and peas.

Cultural Significance

        Peacock birds live in India and are important in its culture. Hinduism depicts Indian peacocks, the god of war, Lord Kartikeya, and warriors Goddess Kaumari and Goddess Santoshi. During the war with the Asuras, Kartikeya divided the demon King Surapadar into half. One half became a peacock working as his mountain, and the other a rooster adorning his flag.

        Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan Empire, was an orphan and was cultivating peacocks. According to Buddhist tradition, the ancestors of the Maurya kings settled in an area where peacocks were abundant. So, they are known as "Morias," literally, "associated with peacock space." The royal symbol remained peacock until emperor Ashoka changed the symbol to a lion. Peacock continued to represent beauty and royalties in India during medieval times; For example, the Mughal seat of power was called the Peacock Throne. India adopted peacock as its national bird in 1963 and it is one of the national symbols of India.

Persia and Mesopotamia

        In Persia and Albania, peacocks are seen as symbols of royalty and are often carved on royal throne. Ancient Greeks believed that the peacock bird's flesh did not decay after death, so it became a symbol of immortality. Alexander's teacher Aristotle calls it a "Persian bird." When Alexander saw the birds in India, he was amazed at their beauty. Golden peacock is a symbolizes joy and creativity. A group of peacocks is called "ostentation" or "muster".


        In ancient Rome, the peacock bird was served as a delicacy. The food was introduced there at around 35 BCEs. Poet Hores mocked the peacock bird and said they tasted like chicken.

From 1864 The English and Australian Books, the preparation of the peacock bird cooking:

        Catch this bird and remove the skin the most carefully first. Cook steaming in water before cooking, it turns brown and removes. Decorates with lemon and flowers. Put it on the eating table to cool it down. Decorate nails and feathers in a natural way. At the wedding party, Peacock was served by a maid, and was placed in front of the bride to eat.


Type of peacock:-

1. Indian Peacock


2. Green Peacock


3. Congo Peacock



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