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The Canary

                      The Canary is a domestic bird. The Canary scientific name is Serinus canaria domestica. The Canary higher classification is Atlantic canary. The Canary length is 12 – 20 cm. The lifespan of Red factor canary is 10 years and Harz Roller is 10 years. The Canary is different colors such as: - green (bronze or blue), brown (cinnamon), ino (canaries with red eyes), pastel, red factor, dominant white, recessive white, ivory. The wild Canaries are a yellowish-green color. The domestic canaries have a variety of colors such as yellow, orange, brown, black, white, and red. The Canary is at least 20 inches wide and 24 inches long.

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Aves
Order - Passeriformes
Family - Fringillidae
Subfamily - Carduelinae
Genus - Serinus
Species - S. Canaria
Subspecies - S. c. domestica

The Canary

Type Canaries:-

1. Border Canary
2. Crested Canary
3. Frilled Canary
4. Lizard Canary
5. Scotch Fancy Canary
6. Pied red Canary
7. Pied red Canary
8. White Canaries
9. Fife fancy canary
10. Border fancy canary
11. Belgian fancy canary
12. Crested canary
13. Northern Dutch frilled canary
14. South Dutch frilled canary
15. Swiss frill canary
16. Paduan canary
17. Fiorino canary
18. Parisian frill canary
19. North frilled canary
20. Scots fancy canary
21. Norwich canary
22. Yorkshire canary
23. Lancashire canary
24. Lizard canary
25. Stafford Canary
26. Australian plainhead

Color bred canary:-

1. Green canary
2. Yellow melanin canary
3. Yellow lipochrome canary
4. Red factor canary
5. Red-factor lipochrome
6. Blue factor canary
7. Dominant white canary
8. Recessive white canary
9. Silver factor canary
10. Pastel factor canary
11. Ivory factor canary
12. Dimorphic factor canary
13. Opal factor canary
14. Cinnamon canary 
15. Fawn canary
16. Agate canary
17. Isabel canary
18. Albino canary
19. Onyx canary
20. Mosaic canary


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