Cockroach is an insect. The cockroach has 30 species. The Cockroach has to chew through paper, cloth, and cardboard to available food sugar, glue, bread, candy, meat, and mild product. The Cockroach has eaten vegetables and dead insects. The worlds have the largest cockroach have the Australian giant burrowing cockroach, which can 9 cm in length and weigh 30 grams. The Central and South American species have the largest wingspan 185 mm. Common cockroaches are over 4,000 different species. The German cockroach has 10 to 15 mm in length. The cockroach has given an egg. The cockroach has brown in color.
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Insecta
Superorder - Dictyoptera
Types of Cockroaches:-
1. American Cockroach
2. Asian Cockroach
3. Australian Cockroach
4. Brown Banded Cockroach
5. Florida Woods Cockroach
6. Flying Cockroaches
7. German Cockroach
8. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
9. Oriental Cockroach
10. Pennsylvania Woods Cockroach
11. Smoky brown Cockroach
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