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The Cobra

                      The tree Cobra has two species goldies tree cobra and black tree cobra. The shield-nosed cobra has two species of Cape coral snake and a shield-nosed cobra. The Cobra has 270 different species. The King Cobra is the famous cobra. The world’s largest snake is the king cobra and is found in forests from India through Southeast Asia to the Philippines, southern China, and Indonesia. The king cobra maximum length is 5.6 meters. King cobras are given in 20 to 40 eggs but not all cobras are egg layers. The snake is given eggs in their nests. The cobra will eat lizards, eggs, and small mammals. The True Types of Cobras are the Spanish cobra, the European cobra, and the Caspian cobra lived in Africa and Asia. The cobra can range in length 7 or 10 feet.

Kingdom - Animalia
Family - Elapidae
Class - Reptilia
Phylum - Chordata
Order - Squamata
Suborder - Serpentes
Genus - Naja

The Cobra

Type of Cobra:-

1. Angolan Cobra
2. Andaman Cobra
3. Arabian cobra
4. Ashe's spitting cobra
5. Banded water cobra
6. Black-necked spitting cobra
7. Burrowing cobra
8. Cape Cobra
9. Caspian Cobra
10. Chinese Cobra
11. Congo water cobra
12. Egyptian cobra
13. Equatorial Spitting Cobra
14. European cobra
15. Forest Cobra
16. Indian Cobra
17. Indochinese Spitting Cobra
18. King Cobra
19. Mali cobra
20. Mandalay spitting cobra
21. Moroccan cobra
22. Mozambique spitting cobra
23. Nag snake cobra
24. Nubian spitting cobra
25. Philippine Cobra
26. Red spitting cobra
27. Samar Cobra
28. Senegalese cobra
29. Snouted cobra
30. Spanish cobra
31. Zebra spitting cobra


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