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The Snake

                     The Snake is carnivorous reptiles. The Snake Lifespan is 9 years. The Snake scientific name is Serpentes. The Snake speed is 29 km/h. The snake higher classification is ophidian. The snake is carnivore. After fertilization female snake lays eggs. Nonvenomous snakes is harmless garter snakes.

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Reptilia
Order - Squamata
Clade - Ophidia
Suborder - Serpentes

The Snake

Type of snakes:-

1. Indian cobra
The Snake

2. Common krait
The Snake

3. Russell's viper
The Snake

4. Saw-scaled viper
The Snake

5. Fer-de-lance
The Snake

6. King cobra
The Snake

7. Many-banded krait
The Snake

8. Malayan krait 
The Snake

9. Inland taipan
The Snake

10. Eastern brown snake
The Snake

11. Common death adder
The Snake

12. Tiger snake
The Snake

13. Western Green mambas
The Snake

14. Caspian cobra
The Snake

15. Forest cobra
The Snake

16. Philippine cobra
The Snake

17. Cape cobra
The Snake

18. Jararaca
The Snake

19. South American bushmaster
The Snake

20. Gaboon viper
The Snake

21. Chinese cobra
The Snake

22. Monocled cobra
The Snake

23. Egyptian cobra
The Snake

24. Banded Water cobras
The Snake

25. Black desert cobra
The Snake

26. Red Spitting cobras
The Snake

27. Samar cobra
The Snake

28. Indochinese spitting cobra
The Snake

29. Black-necked spitting cobra
The Snake

30. Mozambique spitting cobra
The Snake

31. Mali cobra
The Snake

32. Rinkhals
The Snake

33. Puff adder
The Snake

34. Rhinoceros viper
The Snake

35. King Brown snake or Mulga snake
The Snake

36. Red-bellied black snake
The Snake

37. Dugite
The Snake

38. Western Brown snake
The Snake

39. Tiger rattlesnake
The Snake

40. Neotropical rattlesnake
The Snake

41. Mojave rattlesnake
The Snake

42. Malayan pit viper
The Snake

43. Sharp-nosed pit viper
The Snake


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