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The Shark

                       The shark are 350 different types, such as great white and whale shark. The shark’s lifespan is 20 -30 years. The shark’s scientific name is Selachimorpha. The sharks running speed is 50 km/h. The sharks have do not bones. The sharks filter oxygen from the water. The whale shark is the largest shark. There length is 18 meters (60 feet). The great white shark is the middle type of shark. The shark is lived in ocean. The shark is the largest in the all of fish. The Whale sharks are highly lived in 100 years. The Greenland shark are lived in 200 years and height are 5.02 meter.

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Chondrichthyes
Infraclass - Euselachii
Subclass - Elasmobranchii

The Shark

Types of shark:-

1. Basking Shark

The Shark

2. Blacktip Reef Shark

The Shark

3. Blue Shark

The Shark

4. Brown banded Bamboo Shark

The Shark

5. Bull Shark

The Shark

6. Goblin Shark

The Shark

7. Great White Shark

The Shark

8. Hammerhead Shark

The Shark

9. Lemon Shark

The Shark

10. Mega mouth Shark

The Shark

11. Nurse Shark

The Shark

12. Oceanic Whitetip Shark

The Shark

13. Prehistoric Sharks

The Shark

14. Sand Tiger Shark

The Shark

15. Thresher Sharks

The Shark

16. Tiger Shark

The Shark

17. Whale Shark

The Shark

18. White Shark

The Shark


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