The zebra are three types such as, Grevy’s zebra, plains zebra and mountain zebra. Three groups living members of the family Equidae. The plains zebras running speed is 65 km/h. The plains zebras mass is 400 kg. The mountain zebras mass is 280 kg and the gravy’s zebra mass is 380 kg. The mountain zebra’s gestation period is 12 months and the gravy’s zebra’s gestation period is 13 months. The mountain zebra’s length is 2.4m and the gravy’s zebra’s length is 2.7m. The zebra’s lifespan is 25 year. The zebra is mature in 3 to 6 years old. The zebra is eat and live is grasslands. The plains zebra are the common zebra and live in small family of a male (stallion), females and young. The African zebra are white and black striped coated. The zebras Equus with horses and asses. The zebras male are stallion and females are mares and young are foals. The zebra are mammals animal. The zebra are not a domesticated animal. The Equus are 3 types such as zebras, wild asses and horses. The wild asses are 3 types such as kiang, Onager and African wild ass. The gravy’s zebra’s body length is 250 – 300 cm. Plains zebra’s body length is 217 – 246 cm. Mountain zebras body length is 210 – 260 cm.
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Mammalia
Order - Perissodactyla
Family - Equidae
Genus - Equus
Subgenus - Hippotigris
Type of zebra:-
1. Mountain zebra
2. Plains zebra
3. Gravy’s zebra
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