Whale shark is a fish. The whale shark is a sluggish. The biggest species had a length of 18.8 m. The Whale Shark mass is 19,000 kg. The Whale Shark logical name is Rhincodon typus. Whale sharks may live to more than 100 years old, arriving at development at around 30 years. A group of specialists working at Japan research focus has discovered that whale sharks have a large number of dermal little teeth in the skin encompassing their eyeballs. Whale shark females produce eggs. The female brings forth around 300 live youthful. WWF has recognized 458 distinctive whale sharks in the Philippines. The Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are big shark in world.
Pacific seas are whale sharks generally found. Whale sharks 75% are found in the Indian and Pacific seas and 25 percent in the Atlantic. They feed on tiny fish, Krill, Crab, little fishes, and people. That sexual development in 8 - 9 meters long. In the wake of developing at a size longer and bigger. Whale sharks can grow up to 40 feet in length, however weigh 20.6 tons. The Whale Shark tone are Brown, Gray, and Blue. Maximum velocity is 10 mph.
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Chondrichthyes
Order - Orectolobiformes
Family - Rhincodontidae
Genus - Rhincodon
Species - R. typus
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