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                        The sparrow is known as house sparrow. The Sparrow is a bird. Found in many pieces of the world. It is a little bird. That has a length of 16 cm and mass of 24 – 39.5 g. Females birds are shaded pale earthy colored and dim, and guys have more splendid dark, white, and earthy colored markings. The Sparrow life expectancy is 3 years. The Sparrow logical name is Passer domesticus. The Sparrow eating seeds and plants. Sparrows make their homes close to houses or structures. The house sparrow have a full chest and a huge, adjusted head. Its length is 1.1 – 1.5 cm. The wing harmony is 6.7 – 8.9 cm, and the bone structure is 1.6 – 2.5 cm. Wingspan goes from 19 – 25 cm. The house sparrow goes from 24 - 39.5 g. Females are more modest than guys. The sparrows likewise feed on little bugs and worms like caterpillars, creepy crawlies and aphids.

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Aves
Order - Passeriformes
Family - Passeridae
Genus - Passer
Species - P. domesticus

The Sparrow

Type of sparrow in India:-

1. Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

2. House Sparrow

House Sparrow

3. Russet Sparrow

Russet Sparrow

4. Sindh Sparrow

Sindh Sparrow

5. Spanish Sparrow

Spanish Sparrow

The Snail
The Sheep
The Sea Snake


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