The Pigeon is a bird. Columbidae is a bird, in group of pigeons and pigeons. The Pigeon are strong bodied with short necks, and short thin bills. The Pigeon basically feed on seeds, organic products, and plants. The Pigeon logical name is Columbidae. The grip size of Marquesan magnificent pigeon is 1. The mass of Marquesan majestic pigeon is 900 g, and Western delegated pigeon is 2.1 kg. The length of Marquesan royal pigeon is 55 cm, Western delegated pigeon is 70 cm, and Dwarf natural product pigeon is 13 – 15 cm. The pigeon represents for opportunity. The Pigeon is equipped for speeds up to 88 km/h. The Pigeon is the public bird of the British Virgin Islands. Grieving pigeons are light dim and earthy colored and by and large quieted in shading.
We as a whole definitely realize Pigeons are acclaimed as courier transporters of letters and notes before the beginning of the web and phones. The Pigeon are live in all nations. The liken Pigeons to the image of adoration and harmony. Yet, other than these birds are image of penance, social, dream, benevolence, and comprehension. The Pigeon 250 species are lived in 66% in tropical Southeast Asia, Australia, and the islands of the western Pacific. The female pigeon lays two white eggs in home. The hatching period is 14 to 19 days.
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Aves
Order - Columbiformes
Family - Columbidae
Genus - Columba
Species - C. livia
Subspecies - C. l. domestica
Type of Indian pigeon:-
1. Green imperial pigeon
Nicobar imperial pigeon
Mountain imperial pigeon
Thick billed Green Pigeon
Oriental turtle dove
30 different type of pigeon:-
2. Archangel Pigeon
3. Armenian Tumbler
4. Carneau Pigeon
5. Chinese Own Pigeon
6. Coburg Lark Pigeon
7. Damascene Pigeon
8. Dragoon Pigeon
9. English Carrier Pigeon
10. Fantail Pigeon
11. Frill Back Pigeon
12. Helmet Pigeon
13. Homing Pigeon
14. Ice Pigeon
15. Indian Gola Pigeon
16. Jacobin Pigeon
17. Lahore Pigeon
18. Lucerne Gold Collar Pigeon
19. Modena Pigeon
20. Nun Pigeon
21. Old German Owl Pigeon
22. Pouter Pigeon
23. Racing Pigeon
24. Roller Pigeon
25. Satinette Pigeon
26. Saxon Shield Pigeon
27. Serbian Highflyer Pigeon
28. Swift Pigeon
29. Tippler Pigeon
30. Ukrainian Skycutter Pigeon
The Penguins
The Parrot
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