The Housefly is an Insect. The housefly is most found in houses. The Housefly lifespan of a male is 28 days. The Housefly scientific name is Musca domestica. The Housefly higher classification is Musca. The Housefly life cycle has four stages. The stages convert from eggs to larvae and pupae to adults. The Housefly has a short lifespan. The Housefly size is 6 - 7 mm. The adult house fly is 6 - 7 mm long. The Housefly flight speed is five miles/hour. The Housefly length is 1 cm. The Housefly weight is 12 mg. The adult houseflies are usually 6 to 7 mm long with a wingspan of 13 to 15 mm. The Housefly can lay 500 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs are white colour and 1.2 mm in length. The Big house fly is Common Large Flies. The housefly has 200 different pathogens. The housefly has 4 wings. The housefly eggs can hatch in 8 – 72 hours. The Pupae matures in 3 – 28 days.
Family - Muscidae
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Insecta
Order - Diptera
Section - Schizophora
Genus - Musca
Species - M. Domestica
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